Most of you know that Nick and I have a German Shorthair puppy, "Luther." Luther has always gone to work with Nick during the day. Unfortunately, Luther really enjoys sitting on the creepers at the shop...and he doesn't care if someone's on the creeper or not....he will just sit on your stomach. So, as he got bigger, it became rather inconvenient for Nick and his dad to get under the tractors and Luther had to begin staying at our house during the day. He did not adjust to being at home by himself all day and was extremely hyper when we would get home at nights. So, for this past week, we had a dog from the group "Pound Dog Rescue" staying with us to see if that helped Luther. It has...he's really enjoyed having someone to play with this past week and I think it's made our decision to go ahead and get a second dog.
In any case, here's our first guest, "Lillie," on the right.

Luther, having spent most of his puppy months only around humans, likes to do things like sit on our chairs, sit on top of the seat of our lawnmower, and also drink out the water fountain at Nick's parent's shop. I'll actually have to get a pic of the water fountain's pretty funny to see him depress the button with his huge paw and lap up the water with his tongue!