Day 5 (Friday) went fine. Not to sound like a broken record, but breakfast was two eggs, soup and carrots at ten, turkey sandwich and fruit around two, ran two miles over lunch.
The big break in the schedule was for supper. Now, I know I was raised on a farm and all, but after living in larger towns for the majority of twelve years, moving to Shelby County has been a bit of an adjustment for me. Moving anywhere where there wasn't a Panera nearby was life-altering...and don't get me started on how much I miss the restaurant Granite City. So, when Nick and I got married, and I moved down here, I had to resign myself to the fact that the Cracker Barrel was going to be it (OK, I'm being a little sarcastic here, but it's my story!).
Then, a year ago, a couple from California opened a restaurant in Effingham called the
Firefly Grill. With it's loft-like feel on a lake (aka water retension basin), it felt so super-swank! I went there with Nick's mom and we loved it, but when we went for Nick's birthday, Nick's food was horrible, as was our service, and he didn't want to go back. I was so upset. Six months later, I convinced him to try their Sunday brunch after church. They redeemed themselves a little. Last week we ended up there again with Nick's brother and sister-in-law, and we both had this pork tenderloin with this great sauce on was fabulous. Now we're addicts! We went again last night...pork tenderloin again, spaghetti squash, their yummy bread. It was all so good!

So, didn't really stick to the diet last night, but I don't care! It was SO worth it!