Six weeks early, Amelia Kay (the Kay is after her four aunts and mom who all have names beginning with "K"!) weighed in at 5 pounds 12 ounces and is 18 inches long! She is doing just great...breathing on her own, took 2-3 bottles yesterday with ease, and has graduated to the stage 2 isolette because she's doing so well at controlling her own temperature. Let me also say, she has quite the set of lungs on her too! I think that her little screams were her own way of saying she wanted to spend some time with her mommy and daddy, and while new dad Ben had pretty easy access to her, it took almost 24 hours before mom Kori got to see her as much as she wanted. Kori's c-section made it difficult for her to be mobile enough to go down to the NICU as much as she wanted Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning. Everyone is doing well, and I can't wait to see baby Amelia again this weekend!
Here are some pics from her actual birthday. I ended up staying the night in Chicago and coming home yesterday; so, I'm playing catch-up today and will post more pics tonight!
We love you, Amelia!!!