This past weekend, my friend Jennifer's sister Katy got married (did you follow that?!). A couple of months ago Jennifer asked if I would hang around with them for the day and capture some of those little things that happen before and during preparation for the big moment. It was so much fun! Katy and Jennifer's family was very gracious and welcoming, and I hope that I caught a few things for them that were going on in the background that others maybe hadn't noticed! And, actually, some from the foreground were pretty darn fun too! Here's thirteen...of my 600 favorites!

Yep! These were Katy's pink! I loved them! I could never have pulled it off, but they were perfect on Katy!

Katy's mother helping her get ready.

Katy relaxing and chit-chatting before heading to the church. Notice the hot pink garter!

Katy and her mother.

Katy and her Dad.

There was many people taking pictures!
Chris completing some mid-game stretches!

Katy's sister Michelle is on the left. She's due with their first baby in just a few weeks. Jennifer is on the right. She's due with their first baby in December. It's going to be a pretty exciting fall and winter for the Yakey family!

Katy and the groomsmen.

Jennifer will hate me for including this picture of her and her husband Kurt Bible, but I love it! And, I think that Baby Bible is going to love it 20 years from now!

Congratulations, Chris and Katy!