Now on to the most important part of this post, like I said in my post yesterday, my cousin and his wife Christine welcomed beautiful baby twins on March 5th: Henry Dean and Sophia Rose. They were gracious enough to let me photograph them a week after their birth, but I have to admit, I'm definitely not destined to be a children's photography in life. I find it very hard to get their little bodies to lay like I want them too! Notice that no one has received a birth announcement about my own child! That's because every time I get all set up to take her pictures she scowls at me, goes cross-eyed, or has limbs flailing everywhere! Thus, the photographer has no formal pictures of her child yet...just like the cobbler's children never had shoes. In any case, in the small amount of time I gave Sophia and Henry, they did wonderful and gave me some wide-eyed photos and some fun ones too. Here are some of my favorites.