Well, Colby and I just got back from a visiting two of my sisters in Minnesota. My mom went with us, and we had a great time...despite the fact that my mom somehow talked me into driving the 12 hour trip with a six-month old! Although Colby is a trooper, I think we'll be flying next summer for our annual visit to the great white Nort'!
Several people have mentioned to me in the last few months that they wanted pictures done in time for Christmas. Well, the time is here! In all honestly, to have the images edited by early November, we need to have your portrait session done by October 15th. So, I just wanted to send a friendly reminder to all who have mentioned this to me to please give me a call or drop me an email so we can get it on the calendar!!
In the meantime, I have TONS to post over the next few days. And, here's a little peek at what I've been up to in my free time!

...and some children's portraits...

....and even some senior portraits.
I'll be finishing up the editing of all of these sessions over the weekend; so, check in next week to see more of the above....AND, even some pictures of some local superheroes!!
Thanks for checking in !