I always get a little nervous when I'm taking pictures of someone for the first time...especially if they're people I've never met before. What if they're really serious and dont get my weird sense of humor? What if they want traditonal, posed family pictures...because I don't do traditional, posed family pictures for the most part. What if the kids don't like me?
The list can go on and on.
So, when I set out two weeks ago to meet up with Andrea and Chris to do portraits of their little boys and a few family pictures too, I had a few butterflies walking up to their door. Pictures are stressful enough, but this family had just gotten back from a trip to the St. Louis zoo in 90-degree weather! I had called Andrea earlier in the day to see if the boys were still up for it, and she assured me that all was good! And, as soon as I was in the door of their house, all of my butterflies went away and I knew that it was all good! These boys were troupers!
Andrea and I started talking clothes for the boys and what props we could bring along to use from their house. The boys were laughing and running around like little boys do. Chris and I began talking about local churches and religion. No one was shy and formal! This was going to be a fun photo shoot! And, not only was it fun, but I had the best light, with an even better location, and the bettest, most photogenic family.
Andrea, Chris, J, & C, I hope you enjoy your portraits as much as I enjoyed taking them. A few of my favorites are below. You can click
here to see even more!
God bless! Kelly
Here's the birthday boy. Part of the reason for the family pictures was to get "C's" one-year pictures. Happy Birthday!
Hello, Blue Eyes!
Big Brother "J" is a handsome little man.
But, I love this picture of him laughing even better!
I can't even remember what I asked him to do right now to make him laugh like this. I think he was going to put his face in both of his hands and not smile. Once again, the 'not smiling' always brings the best smiles.
This is seriously one of my favorite pictures of all time. I love that he doesn't know that the camera is taking pictures. I love that his dad's legs are right behind him. And, I love all the fun, vibrant colors.

This is my favorite of their family pictures. And, right now my mom is thinking, "But, Kelly, most of them aren't looking at the camera." But, Mom, that's what I like about it. They're all caught up in each other...except for "J" who looks like he's laughing about what's going on!

Usually it's the moments with mom that I get to witness. This particular day it was with dad.

At the end of the evening, we took just a few minutes to get a few images of the photogenic couple that produced such photogenic kids!