Thursday, October 29, 2009
1) The man who invented the hand air dryers in public bathrooms (no woman would have invented this...and plus, why are the patents always 'pending'?....haven't they been around for decades...are people actually arguing over who invented these???)
2) The man who thought of ESPN Classics....where every game is a 'good game'.
I have decided this week to add a third man to my little stoning party.
#3) The man who thought of releasing millions of Asian beatles to eliminate the supposed aphid problem in soybeans.
I am so tired of killing these bugs, vacuuming them up, them hitting my face as I walk outside, grabbing corpses found in Colby's hands.
Yes, these are three men I have issues with.
Monday, October 19, 2009
You know what I'm referring to? That episode of "Friends" where Rachel won't run with Phoebe in Central Park because she runs so funny! I love that episode, but I also harbor a secret fear that I run like Phoebe.
In any case, while I didn't edit any of these pictures of little Miss Amelia (hard to get a frantically running 1YO in focus), my niece who celebrated her 1YO birthday a while ago, I had to post these pictures because they make me smile so much! I've had several laughs over these images!
If you'd like to see a few from Amelia's REAL birthday pix, click here.
Otherwise, I hope the below makes you smile!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009
She is speed-crawling and getting into EVERYTHING. She knows what 'no' means, but still loves to chew on electric cords and get into my desk drawers. She has been pulling herself up to anything for the last several weeks is getting pretty daring about letting go and standing on her own for several seconds. Last night as I was sitting on the floor near where she was standing, and she took a lunge at me. I wouldn't call it a first step, but maybe a first try?
She's still a good sleeper and is also a good eater. She likes her veggies just as much as her fruits, which is good. She's started refusing the bottle quite a bit lately; so, Carolyn has been feeding her mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks when she refuses her bottle. Since she turns nine months tomorrow, I'm thrilled to move her up to the "Next Step" formula which is less expensive. Woot!
To celebrate her birthday, I've included three videos below. The first is of her taking a bath in the sink. She's a regular Michael Phelps in the bathtub, but sometimes I don't want to clean up the mess and the kitchen sink works so nicely for that. Second is a video of her motoring around the kitchen in her walker. The camera threw her off, but normally she can maneuver around the table and chairs, into the mudroom, and back again. The last video is of her having an "Aunt Kim" moment. When we were little, Kim would toddle up to Karen and I as we were eating ice cream on the couches on opposite sides of the living room. She'd lean up against the couch and say, "mmmm bite?"....which translated to, "Can I have a bite, please?" We'd give her a bite and when she'd want another we'd make her toddle across the living room and get the next bite from the other sister. We were eating supper in the living room tonight and Colby was obsessed with eating my broccoli; so, I let her eat small pieces off my jeans (mother of the year here!).
Monday, October 5, 2009
The bride and groom were both prior students from Asbury. The bride and groom both currently work at an inner city hospital clinic. Jessica, the bride, is a nurse practitioner and the groom, Jon David, is a doctor. They also attend services at an inner city church, and it was important to them that members of their congregation could attend their wedding easily. So, they decided to hold both their wedding and reception in the backyards of homes near their church in a community of refugees from the Sudan. It was like nothing I've ever been a part of and probably will never again. It was amazing, and I wanted to share the beautiful celebration and the kind, giving, and serving hearts of all involved.

This is Jessica...the beautiful bride. Her parents were missionaries and she spent the first 12 years of her life in Kenya. On both a side- and selfish note, Cydil bought a new lens a couple of months ago and I was dying to use it. My favorite lens is the 85 1.8mm and Cydil has the upgraded version...the 85 1.2mm. I could have used it all day long. This picture is straight-out-of-the-camera with no editing. The creamy skin and blurry background is all from that lovely lens....well, and the beautiful Jessica.

Kids from the neighborhood watching as Jessica walks from the house she got ready at to the backyard where the wedding would take place.

This was the house next to where the ceremony took place. Notice the chickens.

The young lady in the long blue dress, I believe, was the daughter of the owner of the home where the wedding took place. I noticed her throughout the night guiding the neighborhood residents and playing with many of the kids. The woman next to her desperately wanted to watch the wedding take place and was thrilled like a small child when she was allowed to come into the backyard to watch the ceremony.

The ceremony. Look in the window in the apartment complex. Little kids in the window watching the ceremony.

During the ceremony these young girls from their church sang a traditional African song.

After the wedding was over, they serenaded the wedding couple as guests left their seats and made their way to a neighboring house for the reception.

I couldn't get this little girl playing the drum to look at me and smile. She avoided my eyes the entire time i was taking her picture.

I had so many little kids come up and ask me to take their picture and then ask if they could see it on my camera's LCD screen.
Friday, October 2, 2009
However, one year Karen was going to the National FFA convention, and Sherry was the only other girl in FFA at our high school; so, they shared a hotel room...and they've been the best of friends ever since. And, it's a win for all of Karen's sisters because Sherry is one of those friends that is thoughtful and giving to not only Karen but to all of her sisters too! When you get a gift from Sherry, you kind of start smiling before you even open it, because it's a given that you're going to laugh! She gave me the movie "Monster-in-Law" for my wedding shower gift(complete with a pizza cutter, pizza mix, microwave popcorn, and comfy blanket for movie-watching) and she gave Colby her first swimsuit complete with hot pink sunglasses! In any case, I think you get the drift as to what kind of person Sherry is...a kind person with a sense of humor!
So, when Sherry emailed me to see if I would take updated family pictures of her three boys and little girl, I was thrilled that I could finally do something for Sherry! Sherry, thank you so much for all you've done for the Rankin sisters over the years! You're one of of us! Kelly
PS - Please note, my MIL is NOT a Monster-in-Law...she's a really great MIL!...Plus, I know she reads my blog! :)

And, this little girl didn't care if she missed the Popcorn festival! We were to make sure and capture her birthday pictures! However, she ran, she hid, she scampered to get away from the camera...

Thanks for checking in! Kelly