Not the most fun video...but you gotta love the hat!
This is from tonight. She gets going as fast as she absolutely can and then looks for something to crash into. On a side note, the goat she's carrying around is from her first shopping trip to "Over the Moon"...our kids specialty store in Effingham. I took her there on January 1st and she couldn't take it all in. She turned her head from one side to the other saying, "ooooohhhhhhh.....ooooooooooh" at all other colors and toys. Of all the things in the store, my child picked a goat. If we ask her, "where's bill goat?" she'll run and find him. If we ask her, 'where's mommy...where's daddy?", she looks at us dumbly. Shows you where we rank.
One of my favorite toys: the Tylenol bottle. Geesh...what does that say about my child?
Colby got two new booster seats for Christmas...she's trying out one of them here. Btw, Colby's first haircut is scheduled for next week.
Reading her very first Pottery Barn catalog...
Oh, oh...there's a little bit left from supper on the seat of my high chair...I better get it before mom gets over here with that washcloth to wipe it up. Once again, geesh, what does that say about my child?