Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Colby - finally
So, when I met Kori and Ben and my dad and stepmom at Starved Rock park over Halloween weekend, I was determined to use the opportunity to get some decent images of Colby! And, of course, true to the ornery child she is, she proved my claims wrong. Instead of saying things like "I don't want to!" and running to my side, she stood there and smiled at the camera, laughed naturally at everyone watching her, and even serenaded us by singing "Frosty the No-man".
Here are a few of my favorites. Because who knows when I'll have that kind of help again, you'll probably see these images up at our house for the next ten years!!!

Monday, November 22, 2010
Attention Brides!
A few weeks ago, my family met up with my sister Kori's family and my dad and stepmom for their annual family pictures.
I asked Kori if she would take a few of Nick, Colby and I as well.
This is what Kori got.....

And, after five minutes she said that the camera was 'too heavy' and that 'she needed a break.' I love you, Kori, but seriously, camera work is not in your future...perhaps holding an off-camera flash, but definitely not camera work. :)
Monday, November 15, 2010
It's THAT Time of Year!!!
Some people's choice of music is R&B, Country, or Pop...mine is Christmas. I'm still waiting to be asked to be a guest judge on some Christmas music awards that I just know will exist at some point. Every year, I try to add a bit to my Christmas classics. If you weren't a blog reader last year, you can click here to get the full list of classics from years past. And, here are my picks so far this year.
- Merry Chrismas, Baby by Nicole C. Mullen
- Lamb of God by Nicole C. Mullen......oh my gosh, I'm in LOVE with this song and listen to it nonstop!!!.....and it's not what you'd expect at all as far as beat, but I LOVE the message and visuals.
- Redeemer by Nicole C. Mullen....yes, not a Christmas song, but I have it on my Christmas playlist, and really, shouldn't all Christmas music be Christian music and vice versa????!!! Anyway, this song gets to me....in like a bring-a-tear-to-my-eye way. Excellent message in reminding us that God is in control.
- I Need a Silent Night by Amy Grant....yes, no list would be complete without Amy on the list! Fun, upbeat tune that reminds us, again, of what Christmas should be about.
And, because blog posts aren't fun without a bit of eye candy, just wanted to let everyone know that my sister Kim has uploaded a selection of her custom Christmas cards to my site! Take a peak and see if there are any you like....you might just be the featured family in one or two of them as well!!
You can access the cards by going to http://kellymccormickphotography.com > Clients > Password "Christmas".
And, as a means of contributing to my annual Christmas music post, Kim says do not buy the new Sheryl Crowe Christmas CD...in her words, it echoes her last name. :)
Happy Holidays!!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Chad and Katy - Engaged
Chad and Katy, I'm so excited for your wedding and all you have planned! (Katy's plans for image displays at their reception is going to be like no other reception I've been to! Can't wait!!) Thank you for introducing me to areas of Shelby County I'd not visited before!...and for giving me the chance to be a part of your big day!
Blessings on you all! Kelly

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
The Smith Family
Here are a few of my faves from the session!!

....and this one was for me! LOVE it!

Cassidy laughing....when her dad stepped into a hole, if I remember correctly! I love laughter in pictures.

Probably my all-time favorite of the girls that day.

Daddy's girls.

But Mom wasn't going to miss her chance to get a picture with the girls!
The McCormick Family!
The husbands are not usually excited about family pictures to begin with...especially since we started at 7:30 am! But, the light is awesome at that time of day!!