Friday, February 28, 2014
Colby's First Primary

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Colby: New Videos
The first one is of Colby way back in October. At that point, she would take one or two steps from the couch into my arms, but she would get so nervous...almost like her first experience of stage fright!
Not the most fun video...but you gotta love the hat!
Colby laughing hysterically one morning before church at Allison! At this point, she was getting more confident in her walking.
This is from tonight. She gets going as fast as she absolutely can and then looks for something to crash into. On a side note, the goat she's carrying around is from her first shopping trip to "Over the Moon"...our kids specialty store in Effingham. I took her there on January 1st and she couldn't take it all in. She turned her head from one side to the other saying, "ooooohhhhhhh.....ooooooooooh" at all other colors and toys. Of all the things in the store, my child picked a goat. If we ask her, "where's bill goat?" she'll run and find him. If we ask her, 'where's mommy...where's daddy?", she looks at us dumbly. Shows you where we rank.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Nerd-Fest 2010
I don't think I have my nerd-fest done yet (I have the movie Elizabeth: The Golden Age DVR'd); however, I will take 15 minutes over my lunch hour today to throw some pix of Colby out on the blog to let everyone know that she's alive, doing well, and that I promise I only resume my nerd-fest after she's gone to bed at night!!!
To those who have requested videos of Colby walking...I'll post them soon!

One of my favorite toys: the Tylenol bottle. Geesh...what does that say about my child?
Colby got two new booster seats for Christmas...she's trying out one of them here. Btw, Colby's first haircut is scheduled for next week.
Reading her very first Pottery Barn catalog...
Oh, oh...there's a little bit left from supper on the seat of my high chair...I better get it before mom gets over here with that washcloth to wipe it up. Once again, geesh, what does that say about my child?
Monday, February 24, 2014
Thanks-Christmas 2009 - Part II
Second, I'll post more about the t-shirts tomorrow....but, first, I had a few more pix to share regarding the FIRST ever Thanks-Christmas talent show!
Here are a few pix from the show and my comments about it!! :)

Ella started the night off by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance for us. Good job, Ella!!

I think Amelia's talent was eating that night. :)

Sunday, February 23, 2014
Thanks-Christmas 2009
I didn't take many pictures, but a few of my favorites are below!
Check back in tomorrow to see a few images of the FIRST annual Rankin family Thanks-Christmas talent show! hahahaha....said in an evil manner. :)

Colby was in heaven. There were so many people to read to her!
...and play with her! Cousins Ella, Emma, and Anna kept her busy the whole time we were there!
Pretty cousin Amelia with Aunt Karen!
Karen was worried that the Thanks-Christmas fo 2009 would be known as the year we didn't have corn pudding for dinner (what the heck!...it's my FAVORITE!), but I think 2009 will go down as the year Karen avoided the kitchen by playing with all of her nieces and nephew!
Jacob was quite excited about this toy...I think it was a Handy Manny toolbox...in any case, it was the favorite toy among all the nieces and nephew. The tools bounce up and down to music in the toolchest.
Colby excited about her new VeggieTales CD!
But, not as excited as when she got her first baby doll from Aunt Karen.
And, then she opened up some books and we lost her for the rest of the evening. My little nerd. :)
My sister Kendall....with her boyfriend Caleb...who is also one of my husband's best friends. I never thought I'd see the day where "The Bivvie" was at one of my family dinners.
Anna trying on her new "Little House on the Prairie" hat.
Sidenote: Cydil, if you're reading, can you imagine the fun we would have had playing Little House on the Prairie in your back pasture if we'd had these hats!!!
I'm not sure what Scott was doing or saying, but I love the look on mom's face!
These are the types of pix you get when my husband gets a hold of my camera. 100's of pictures like this. I will protect this sister's identity. :)
Colby finding a more fun way to play with the gifts.
When we first got to Karen's, Colby hadn't slept but for 30 minutes all day and was a horrible wreck. She wasn't thrilled about being passed around; however, Karen sat her on her lap and said, "Colby, you need to know that you and I are going to be friends over the next two days and have lots of fun. Get used to the idea." And Colby did. We're not into coddling in my family.
Thanks for checking in!
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Colby - 9 months+
I've included that smile below. If you'd like to see the rest of Colby's 9-month pix, please go to www.kellymccormickphotography.com, Clients secion, and use the password "Colby".
PS - Yes, I know I haven't posted much lately...I have TONS to post, but after Colby goes to bed at night, I've been trying to get everyone's family pix edited, ordered, and sent to them prior to Christmas....blogging was kind of put on the back burner...but I'll try to be better. I'm really almost done with fall orders!! :)

Friday, February 21, 2014
We talked back and forth over email about clothes, locations, etc, and when I arrived Saturday morning I was greeted by a group of four beautiful, doe-eyed kids. We started out at the park where the lighting was great and the fall foliage was even better, and then we headed to a downtown old brick building so that the older kids could have a bit of a more modern scene for a few fo their images! No matter where we were, I had a fabulous time...and I hope I get the chance to see them again!
Angie, thank you so much for sharing your family with me! You have beautiful, well-mannered, and VERY photogenic kids! I enjoyed getting to meet your whole family and can't wait to see you again in the future!
As always, a few of my favorites are below...and you can click here for a few more!

First, I just want to say how great the older sibs Jake and Hailey are with the twins. They herded...they chased...the cracked jokes to get them to smile. I would watch and it reminded me a lot of me and my younger sisters growing up. As soon as they get their driver's licenses, I'm going to start asking them to make the long drive up to babysit Colby! :)

It was hard to get Owen to stand still for just one second...there was SO MUCH to discover and explore at the park!

I love this picture of Abby! The unprompted little kid facial expressions are my favorites!

However, I love this one of her too....beautiful, slight smile...it's so simple and yet so sweet.

I think Angie is not going to be very happy with me over this image. Angie, you're going to have to watch Jake when he gets older! He is so darn handsome!!!!

And then there's beautiful Hailey. She has the most stunning eyes, and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE her funky purple glasses!!! I want her funky style!
Thanks for checking in!
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Everything was perfect...the weather...the colors on the trees...and the family itself. I cannot even tell you how much the camera loved this beautiful family!!! So much so that it took me a week longer then I'd hoped to get this session edited because I was honestly dealing with over 200 images that I loved.
This past weekend I was heading to Chicago for a workshop, and I honestly had the person sitting next to me on the train help me pick which ones to edit! "Which one do you like better....this one or that one?" I'd ask the young Asian student. "That one," she'd respond. "Her eyes are open slightly wider making them even bluer." "Good call," I'd reply.
So, between me and the college student, we finally pared it down. Life just isn't fair when you're beautiful AND so darn photogenic!
A few of my favorites are below...and a few more can be seen here!
J, J, A, and C, it was such a pleasure getting to meet all of you. Honestly, I can't even remember such an easy session! C & A were PROS!!! I hope you love the images HALF as much as I enjoyed meeting you!!!
Blessings! Kelly

C's eyes are unbelievable. They are crystal blue. The camera LOVES her eyes, and I love, love, love her beautiful red hair.