It was a long time coming...seventeen years to be exact! They met when Kendall was thirteen, and in her words, she had a crush on him immediately. As time went on and they got older, they ran around in the same group of friends. After college, Kendall moved to Minnesota, but lived several hours away, and as she explains it:
"I always considered Sam a good friend and loved hanging out with him. We had so much fun together, but it took us a while to put all the pieces together. Finally, I figured out that I had true feelings for Sam. I was living four hours away from Clearbrook at the time, but when I came up I would call him to ask him to hang out with a group of us......annnnnnnnd he always turned me down (he says its because he was working, but I don't buy it!). After some thinking, I decided he just wasn't in to me and good friends were what we were meant to be." But one summer, after a cattle show, Sam DID go out with the group of friends. And after a night full of fun, laughter, and dancing, on a quiet walk, Sam pulled Kendall in for a kiss. And the rest, as they say, is history.Three weeks ago, on a beautiful, sunny Minnesota day, my youngest sister married her love - the fine, young gentleman named Sam, who always has an ornery twinkle in his eyes!Kendall, we are SO happy that you have Sam and Sam has you! Sam is such a wonderful addition to our family, and we couldn't have picked anyone better for you!Blessings to you both in all your years to come!!

Sam is a northern Minnesota cattle farm, born and bred! And so, honoring our own farm childhood and Sam's livelihood, Kendall wanted a wedding that was Classic and Country.

Our sister Kim both designed and printed Kendall and Sam's stationery suite.

This last January, a whole slew of relatives (four sisters, two aunts, one stepmother, one future MIL, and four nieces descended on Minneapolis to go dress-shopping for the last Rankin girl! You can read more about that trip here. But, I have to say, that Kendall's dress was just perfect for her. The lace was so beautiful, like nothing I've ever seen before. It was just like she wanted her wedding - classic, and yet a touch of country! It was also Kendall's wedding gift from our stepfather, Mark, which made it even more special.

A story about Kendall's shoes - as my older sister Karen was getting ready to leave for our dress-shopping trip in Minneapolis, her dear friend, Tracy, handed her some money and said she wanted to take care of Kendall's wedding shoes, just like mom would have if she was still here with us. Thank you, Tracy. Your kindness never ceases.

We all helped Kendall get ready

And then it was time for Kendall's bridal pictures, which is always a favorite time for me, but was so much more special because it was Kendall!

Yep...starting to lose our grasp on the 'serious' poses.

I love this picture of Kendall! One of my faves from the day!!

Yep! Now we've lost all ability to be serious!

Not sure I've ever have a bride pose like this before. I think it's time to head outside! ;) 

We may have still had some issues with the seriousness! :)

But, with the evening sun streaming in and a wheat field behind us, we found our moment to take some beautiful bridal portraits!

This one is one of my personal favorites from Kendall's entire wedding day.

I thought I'd note that we had an audience all evening. Colby and my niece Caroline were quite interested in all the fanfare. :)

I had been up in Minnesota in June for Kendall's wedding shower, and Kendall, Sam, and I had mapped out the locations for their wedding day portraits. However, on the day of the wedding, Sam pulled me aside and told me that Kendall had told him she really wished that there was a hayfield with round bales that they could do pictures in. And, it just so happened, without her knowledge, that they had baled a field that week, and should we go over there instead and surprise her? Yes, we did, and in the middle of the hayfield, Sam saw his bride for the first time.

This picture makes me laugh SO hard! It's so Sam! Ornery as ever!

And, Kendall! You're not supposed to hit your groom on your wedding day!

After their first look, we wandered around Sam's cattle pastures and took advantage of the blue skies, open fields, and timber.

My very GQ new brother-in-law.

We had some 'friends' join us for much of the shoot!

They deserved a close-up of their own. :)

We then headed back to Sam's farm for a few family and wedding party portraits.

Hardest family picture I've EVER own family.

I had to post a pic of this handsome dude!

The sisterhood.

Sam and his brother Mike!

Sam's wonderful parents, Kelly and Linda, with their new and first grand baby, Tate!

Aaaaaand, my aunts and grandmother.

After family pictures at Sam's house, we went to the nursing home and did family pictures with his extended family and his lovely grandmother, Enice!

We then headed to the church to freshen up and wait for the guests to arrive!

Our beautiful bridesmaids' bouquets.

The ceremony was a touching one, and we all had a difficult time keeping our eyes from tearing up! I could have a whole blog post dedicated to my sister Karen and her tears!

My sweet niece, Caroline, the flower girl!

"I didn't run!" Max told me after the wedding!

Our stepfather Mark walked Kendall down half of the aisle and then sent her the rest of the way with my Dad.

A touching moment with my Grandma.

Our dear friends Jen and Jessie sang for Kendall. I had the pleasure of shooting Jen's wedding this last December!

In honor of my mom, who passed away five years ago, Kendall had five lilies for us five girls to place in a vase next to the unity candles.

Karen crying again! :)

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Nordlund!
Kendall and Sam's wedding reception was held at their local county fairgrounds...sawdust floor and all!

Each table was decorated with wood planks that had been branded with Sam's family cattle brand.

Sam's brother Mike giving his toast.

My sister Kori carried on the Rankin girls' tradition of presenting a "Top 10 Things You Didn't Know About Your Bride" as her toast. It involved myself singing opera, imitating Kendall when she used to sing like an opera singer a child! Fun times!

Hi, Kendall!

Sam giving a thank-you speech to all of their guests. Myself, I'd like to say THANK YOU so much to our family and friends who drove the 12+ hours from Illinois to join us for Kendall's wedding! It meant SO much to our family to have you there!!

Their first dance.

For these next three images, I'm not sure what conversation was taking place, but I'm calling them the "Sam, the cattle got out and are running on the highway!" series of images!

Kendall and Sam, we love you both, and we're so thrilled and excited to see your relationship and family grow in the coming years!
God's Blessings to You!