Well, this is going to be a shorter post then I had planned, but my Norton is doing it's monthly scan of the computer, and it slows my Photoshop WAY down. Patient person that I am, I can't stand it, and I have to convert the photos to low-res jpgs in Photoshop so that it doesn't take an hour to upload each photo. So, here's the three that I managed to get converted! More to come...

Mom making use of one of her Christmas gifts. She got DSL this week too; so, she'll probably be a blogging fool now that she's all set with a digital camera AND high-speed internet.

When Mom calls, Nick will answer the phone, "Ayy, the Pirate Ruthie, have you stolen any treasures today, matie." When I saw this card, like NINE months ago, I had to get it! On the inside it said, "Here's to having a sharp-object-free birthday!"

This is my all-time favorite picture I've ever taken of Ella. I love her expression...the light on her face...all of it. I'm definitely going to order a copy.
Keep the pictures coming Kelly!
Kelly, did you get a photo of your
Mom on her new bike as she rode
around the backyard???
I agree with Kim---keep those pictures coming!!!
That was a fun day and I hope everyone enjoyed it.Love to all of you. Grandma Budke
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