Henry thought I was pretty darn funny...I like people who think I'm funny!!

My own daughter does NOT think I'm funny. I can see this cynical look coming to haunt me during her teenage years. It screams, "Mom, what are you doing....geesh."....think of this said in a Napoleon Dynamite style of voice.

Henry - scoping out the situation with Grandma Gail.

Sophia taking a walk on the wild side.

We wonder if Colby is teething, but we dont' want to be 'that' parent who tells everyone that and then it's 3 more months before a tooth comes in. However, she ALWAYS has to be chewing on something....

...or sucking on her lips, which Grandma McCormick says her boys did when they were teething.

Me and Kim.

Me and Karen.

Uncle Randy, the newest Baby Hog in the family holding his granddaughter, Sophia.

Me and Kendall.

Colby was a trooper at the wedding. She loved being held and played with all afternoon. I look at this picture and wonder if she has ANY pigmentation at all??? Nick and I call her "Powder" sometimes.
That first photo of Henry is FANTASTIC! What a doll! He always looks so serious in the photos that get posted - what a cute little smile! And again Colby makes the best facial expressions - cracks me up. Thanks for posting!!
Jacob and Colby definitely inherited our skin tones!! I was telling Mom that you and Karen called Jacob "Powder" when he was younger and I still do today! Poor kids!
These pictures are great, Kelly! Will I be able to order one of you and I and one of us sisters too?
Love ya,
You will be happy if that's the worst cynical look you get from Colby in her pre-teen and teen-age years!!! (And if you get just the look without words with it!!!)
I love the pics! Colby always looks so serious, so she must take after Nick! Henry chews on EVERYTHING and I am sure he is teething. I'll be "that" mom for you!!! Love seeing pics of you guys!!!
I remember Kendall saying that I needed to get my picture taken with Kelly because every one else had, and now I realized that I did not! Oh well, love all the pictures! Colby does have some great looks! I always think her mouth looks like that of a turtles when she is sucking on her bottom lip! I say that with love of course!
love - Kori
She's so darn cute! We had a great time watching her Sat. morning and miss her already. She's so much fun to hold and play with!
I think Colby misses all of you guys too! She loves watching other kids so much! I bet Ella giving her all that attention made her day. She was probably in heaven, Karen!
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