Most of you probably know that my mother passed away around six months ago. As time has passed and because my mom was young, I've had several friends ask what it's like to lose your mother.
In a phrase: It's odd.You think that you can still call her and tell her a story. When something happens, you think to yourself, "I can't wait to tell Mom that...she'll think that's hysterical." More often than not, these things are about your children. No one besides your mom is more excited to hear stories or tidbits about the weirdo or amazing things your kids have done. I think that that has been the hardest part about losing Mom...even though she'd gone through everything with her own five kids and with her first five grandkids, whenever Colby would do something new, Mom would act like she was the first child ever to walk, sit up, eat cereal, etc. And I never realized that until after she was gone. All of us a sudden, a cheering section I previously hadn't acknowledged existed was gone.
The other thing is that the oddest, weirdest situations, comments, or items can bring a tear to your eye. I had two of them this week.
First, my friend Sara posted this post on her blog. I laughed hysterically. In Mom's bedroom at the farmhouse she had this old chest of drawers that had sheet sets still in the packages that were at least 20 years old. She was saving them for 'good'. I used to tease her and ask when the Queen of England was coming for a visit. One of the pillowsheet sets had fancy eyelet stuff sewed on the the edges...I wanted to use those pillowcases SO bad, and she wouldn't let me. She was saving them for 'good'. When I went to college and had to buy sheets for my bed, I bought the white pillowcases with the eyelet decorations at the end. :)
Second, I canned tomato juice this week. Mom used to do that when we were growing up and she used this "Squeeze-It" thing that attaches to your countertop to make juicing the tomatoes faster. I bought one off of e-bay a few years back, but it didn't have the wood plunger with it. So, a couple of Christmases ago, Mom found and bought me the wood plunger as a gift. I hadn't used it yet until I got into my box of canning supplies this week. It made me smile.

I keep an 11x14 of this picture in our living and us girls at my cousin's wedding last year. And, while I do love to sit in my chair and glance over at it on occasion....
....I find it's weird things like wood plungers for juicing tomatoes that really tug at my heart strings and make me miss Mom.
Kelly - thank you for the good laugh and cry this morning. The phone calls that I can't make are the worst but it is the little things that make me laugh. Were you the daughter that received the round metal disc that goes into a pot so it wouldn't boil over last year? She was so excited to give that little present! Everytime I send a card I think about the ones she always seemed to have in her purse - always got them out for me to read - always funny! Wow - I miss her so much.
Aunt Stacy
Kelly - Glad I could give you a reason to laugh and think of your mom! This post was excellent! And quite the tear jerker! ;-)
Kelly, this post means a lot to me. I lost my Grandma and she was my best friend. As I get closer to the wedding all I can think about is how happy she would've been. She was my cheering section too. Somebody once told me that heaven has a curtain God lets people pull back when special things happen. Your mom is still cheering for Miss Colby up there. :)
I know what you mean by your mom's excitement. I always enjoyed stopping by her office hearing the latest on a grandchild. Then if I hadn't been on a blog yet, I got a preview in her office. We laughed together so many times on the commentary as well as the pics. I always told Ruth how much I enjoyed hearing about her girls as well as her grandchildren. Those were good days and moments.
Kelly, you are amazing!
Katie D.
ok can I just say that the picture is the pettiest wooden plunger! (would put that in a frame) makes me think of the story of the one orange scissor! (weird thing my mom has the same one and I think you your mom everytime I see it and that story!)
got to admit I had a few tears too.... you girls have been so blessed to have a great mother, and fantasic sisters to lean on!
Big hug to you girls!
I did not know you posted this and seriously checked your blog as you pulled out my drive! You put into words my exact thoughts! Just the other day after Amelia's appointment, I picked up my phone to call Mom cause she always loved hearing the stats! I mean, weights and heights are not that exciting but if I didn't call her, she called me to find out!
She was just that good at being a Grandma and Mom.
Thanks for posting this.
Love - Kori
Kelly - you truly have a gift of communicating - whether it is through your words or your photography - you always find a way to bring out the best in people!
Have a great week and I can't wait to see you this weekend!
Love you! -D
This is payback, isn't it! Whose turn is it now to post Mom stories and memories on the blog and make everybody cry!
Those, too, are the hardest times for me; when I go to grab the phone to call and ask her something or to tell her something. It happened last week when I was frantic trying to get Kori a potato salad recipe and I know that both of us just wanted to be able to call Mom to get it.
Thanks for posting this! It's good to just take some time to remember and to cry too.
Love you!
Sara T is my second cousin, and she sent me a link to this post. I can relate all too well...I lost my mom a little over 2 years ago to cancer, too. It's definitely the little things. The carpool lined was the worst for me for a long time; it was always when I'd call to chat or tell her a funny story about my boys.
Here's the most recent post I wrote about her being gone:
Prayers for your family that each day gets easier.
Kelly- Thanks for posting this and giving me a good cry! It really is the little things that break your heart and make you miss them so much! Thanks for sharing this!!
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