All summer I've been thinking about getting the running shoes out and starting up again. In another life, I used to run a lot. I even ran half of the Chicago marathon once with a good friend. But, after losing a toenail (literally), I swore I would never do that again, and besides, it's like another friend pointed out to me, "You don't see people smiling when they cross the finish line of a marathon...their faces are faces of pain."
So, the other day, when I got a Facebook invite to the Strasburg 5k on October
16th from a 'friend', I thought to myself, "Arghhh...what a horrible reminder of what I've NOT accomplished this year." So, I'm thinking that this 'friend' isn't really a very good friend. She's perhaps more like my 'friends' that send me birthday cards every year. They think they're being such great friends, but really all they're doing is reminding me that I didn't send them a birthday card. And, then it makes me feel really bad...on my birthday of all days. If they were REAL friends, they wouldn't acknowledge my birthday, right?!! So, right now I'm sitting here at my computer and trying to figure out what I've done to wrong this
5k 'friend' that she would want to get revenge on me by reminding me what a fitness loser I've been this year and how I haven't met my goals at all. I had great intentions...I downloaded all my favorite running songs onto my i-pod....I asked and received a new treadmill for Christmas. Sadly, though, my 18 month daughter has gotten more exercise from it than I have...she likes to step up and down, up and down, up and down on it while I'm folding laundry or typing on the computer., not only has this 'friend' made me acknowledge my lack of exercise, but now I'm feeling like a horrible mom as well!
So, because this 'friend' has guilted me into this via a Facebook invite (she's really subtle in her revenge for my unknown wrongdoings), I got out the running shoes this week, charged up the ipod, and hit the road Monday night. I ran a mile....Don Telgmann passed me on the tractor, he can attest that I was out running. On Tuesday and Wednesday I couldn't walk from the pain. So, I had the thought that perhaps I needed to start a little slower and run in intervals. So, I tore out the below out of one of my fitness magazines (because, like most non-exercisers, I have all the gear, magazines, junk, etc....just not the ambition evidently). I'm going to attempt to follow it....just in time to run that Strasburg 5K. Maybe I'll blog about it occasionally...if it's going well, of course.
In any case, if anyone's looking for a running partner, let me know...another 'friend' was my running partner from last year, and she was so desperate to get out of training with me for this year's 5k that she got pregnant.
With 'friends' like these, who needs enemies?!!! ;)

You crack me up! I RSVP'd to the invite to the 5k - I'm going to attend but WALK the event! I'll cheer you on from the walking section - can we go to Cracker Barrel aftewards for breakfast? Oh wait, that defeats the purpose of the training doesn't it?
I think running is the devil's work - therefore I avoid it at all costs..... maybe you should too!
(I can honestly say I have never ran more then a 200 without having to stop to walk.... track star i was NOT! :-))
Go for it! I prefer to walk. Running isn't my thing.You've got about a month to prepare. Maybe you need to get one of those strollers so Colby can run with you. I don't have any experience with that but I hear it can be done! Good luck
Jason and I used to go running in the evening and then reward ourselves with a Dairy Queen blizzard.... so Cracker Barrel isn't too terrible!! :)
You can do it Kelly!
thanks for the laugh! I did through this whole story. I am the kind of person that gets winded just grocery shopping! I took a walk with the girls and the dog the other night, they rode their bikes while I walked the dog. I tried to jog the last 1/8 of a mile and my legs felt like jello the next day. can you say VERY out of shape!
Hello, "friend".
Alright Kelly you will be proud. I went jogging after work since I got home early. Nearly collapsed halfway through but I tried LOL And as crappy as I feel physically now I do feel good mentally that I attempted to do something good!! So keep it up :)
Well,Kelly,I can really feel for you and the pain after---You know I really am not a runner OR a walker,
but since Patches has been gone I felt I really needed something to get me out of my recliner and moving!
SO- I bought a three-year old minia-
ture dachshund who had little to no
training.RB goes to bed between 8 and 9 and gets up about 6:30, so guess what? I have to go to bed when he does and get up to take him for his walk and make sure he does his "chores".Good thing he has short legs--The first month I
thought my legs were going to drop off, they hurt so badly. We're in
a behavioral class, so he is learning to "sit",walk nicely with
out pulling(VERY hard), and to not bark so much without reason.My legs
are getting better and I don't have
so much swelling in my ankles-Hoo-
ray!!Keep up the running, Kelly,you
can run and then walk for a short
distance.Tell Colby her great grandma sends her love to you both and Nick.
If I get a treadmill you and I are attempting the PF5K next year!! :)
Keep it up Kelly!
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