I mentioned that I loved any movie that was based on a Jane Austen book. I said that I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED "Pride and Prejudice" and that's when THE question was asked: "Which do you like better - the 2-hour or the 6-hour version?" I thought, "Here's someone that speaks my language." "Either," I replied, "It depends on my mood."
At that point, I thought about mentioning the fact that PBS was beginning a two-month Masterpiece Theater marathon of Jane Austen movies, but I was worried that I would be wearing my dorkdom a little too much on my sleeve for people I had just met. And then, she said, "Did you know that PBS is beginning a Jane Austen Masterpiece Theater marathon beginning this Sunday night?" I became a fan right then and there!
When she brought me a T-shirt from Girls State that said "A Woman's Place is In the House...AND In the Senate" I became a diehard. And, when I found out her husband read Ann Coulter books, I threw in the towel. They had no choice...they were going to have to be my friends for life. :)
So, when Sarah called and wanted me to not only take six-month pictures of her little guy, Leo, but also do three-month pictures of her lovely sister Laura's new baby girl Ava, I was thrilled. (sorry for the run-on sentence!!!)
Sarah and Laura, congratulations on your new babies. I'm so excited to see Leo and Ava grow over the years, and I couldn't have been more honored that you entrusted me to capture their budding personalities!
Below are a few of my favorites. Click here to see a few more of my favorites on my site.
Starting to warm up to me slightly.

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