The colors in these first pictures of big sister Emma are simply my faves!!! But, while the pale yellows and olive greens are my faves, nothing beats her cutey-patootey smile!!!

Now to the twins...there mom was SOOOO mean that day! Mean to me! She put them in matching outfits...shoes and all! And, then she said that by the end of the shoot I'd know which one was which. And, so now I'm feeling inept, because I walked away and was like, "nope." So, this is Gavin...or Marshall...or maybe Gavin!

Hi, Daddy.

So, after I was feeling really horrible, relatives told me that they still had a hard time telling the boys apart too; so, it made me feel better!

Cutey#1 and Cutey #2.

Or....Smiley #1 and Smiley #2.

Deters Family, thank you so much for allowing me to document your beautiful family!!!
Blessings to you all,
Amazing!!! All three are such cuties, you did a great job. Even if you're still not sure which twin is which :)
Surely there is a distinction between the twins. Probably as much as there was between the Woiwode twins-not very. You were right about the colors with the little girl-very pretty. Looking forward to your next post of pics.
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