John and Shary Yakey and family.
Jen, all the way to the left with the baby, just had her new little guy SIX weeks before this picture was taken...and she was back in her regular jeans. I have a whole blog posting on my feelings about that. However, she is a dear friend; so, I keep my true feelings to myself! Her husband Kurt is to her right. Most of you probably don't recognize Kurt...with his clothes on. If he took them off and donned an orange speedo and stood on Rt. 32, you'd probably recognize him, right?! For those of you not from the area, Kurt turned 30 two weeks ago, and his loving brother-in-laws made a life-size cut-out of him in the speedo and left it next to the highway all day wishing him a Happy 30th!
Courtney was the coordinator of the event!! Her cousin's husband, Justin, I think was telling me to 'peace out' with all the families and the potential for chaos!!
Dave and Vickie Yakey and family! I first met them when I was Eric and Nicole's wedding photographer (couple in the middle)....AND, I'm so excited that they're welcoming their first baby this winter! Congrats to the whole family!! Also, Dave couldn't believe that I was using this old she with the oil drums for the picture. He offered to load them up in my car and send them home with me for later use!
Helen is the only daughter among the Yakey brothers and one sister...right? I actually spent several days trying to add the words "and daughter" onto the grain elevator as a joke for Helen...but I wasn't successful in getting the font and fading accurate at all. But, I feel for Helen. When I was growing up, all our grain trucks said "Rankin Brothers" on it...and I was all like, "But Dad, we're five daughters."....cause you know, it doesn't occur to a 5yo that it's about her dad and HIS brother. :)
Sherm and Janet Yakey and family. Son Andrew was SOOOOOO excited about having his picture every teenage boy, it was exactly what he wanted to be doing on a Saturday morning. (Do you hear my sarcasm here?). But in the end he was a trouper and willing to throw an arm around the fam for the perfect picture op!

The entire Yakey family....all four generations.
I ended up with a LOT of pictures of Grandpa John and Brody. I think they're a pretty close team, these two.
This is my favorite picture of the entire day. Courtney jumped into the truck to ride with Grandpa and I snapped it really quick. Is the lighting perfect? No. Is it composed perfectly? No. But 30 years from now, Courtney will smile when glancing at this picture. And, that's what makes it my favorite of the day.
Cohen was pretty much like "Get away from me, crazy lady with the camera" most of the day. Here I caught him checking beans with dad.

Bill, Kay, Brittany, and Zach's family picture above win my favorite individual family picture of the day. The light was perfect, their smiles were great, and I love the personal touch of the hug Kay is giving Brittany. :)
The one smile I got from Cohen that day!!...but it only takes one!!
OK, I got ahead of myself! Frosty and Ginger's picture on the RR is a tie with Bill and Kay's family picture for favorite of the day! Frosty and Ginger waited patiently til the end of the day and asked if they could please get a quick picture of the two of them...and it was so worth the wait. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this image!
While we defnintely wanted to do the entire Yakey family in front of the elevator itself, I suggested using the vintage truck in a grassy area and taking a more casual picture of the entire family. Grandpa Yakey was hesitant. He told me afterwards, "50 years of business and we're taking pictures in the weeds?" Yes, Grandpa Yakey, I like the overgrown, natural look. And I love this light, and the trees, and the old rustic shed back behind there too!

Grandma and Grandpa Yakey. One quick last note, I noticed throughout the day that Grandma Yakey had a hard time looking at the camera....her eyes were ALWAYS following the great-grandkids as they ran and played!...that's what meant the most to her...her family all in one spot and watching the next generation enjoying each other.
Yakey Family, CONGRATULATIONS on 50 years!
Grandpa says, "Not a bad looking group of folks, even though we are in the weeds. How do I get one of those (meaning a group picture)?" After reviewing them again, he decided 'those weeds' weren't so bad after all!
What cool pictures to have! This family is going to cherish these for a very long time - even with the weeds :) Very very very neat!
Thank You Kelly!!!!!
You sure know how to capture the moment. Great job.
Thanks for the commentary and for the fabulous pictures!!!
FYI - Jeans with a wee bit of stretch was key that day!
Great pics and love Grandpa's comment! - Also so glad you put commentary. I mean your pictures are great - but the stories are even better!!!
Great pics. I saw Jen at Subway a couple of weeks ago, and I told Ryan then that she didn't even look like she had just had a baby. Jen if you read this, you look GREAT!!!
Erin :)
Great pics and comments Miss Kelly :) Thank you!
These pictures are amazing, as always, Kelly!
Kelly, Thanks so much for the pictures, as well as the commentaries!! The one of Grandpa and me will be a favorite forever. I absolutely love it and teared up when I saw it for the first time! Thanks so much! You are very much talented at what you do!
Beautiful pictures Kelly!!!! It helps to have such beautiful people to photograph!!! Congratulations to the Yakey family!!
Loved the pics Kelly! I actually teared up on a couple because they were so touching!!!! Congrats again Yakey family (late)!!!! And wonderful job Kelly!!!
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