She's starting to notice more of her toys. Until this week, the only thing she was interested in was that mirror that's behind her in this picture. She likes the black and white checks and seeing her reflection move as she moves.
She's starting to notice more of her toys. Until this week, the only thing she was interested in was that mirror that's behind her in this picture. She likes the black and white checks and seeing her reflection move as she moves.
Baby Sophia was bright-eyed all evening!
Hello, Blue Eyes.
Colby looks so small in this picture in my opinion!
Jacob can't take a break from flexing his brain power even on vacation!
I do NOT like my new hat, Mom!
This problem is SO hard to work out...even with paper.
Mom finally got Colby to go asleep...although in a weird position.
The people who have vowed to make sure Colby is raised in the church. Nick's Uncle Larry assisted Pastor in the baptism, and his Grandmother embroidered the napkin that was used to wipe her head.
Colby is wearing the McCormick family gown, and the blanket that she is wearing was the one my Grandma Rankin made for me to wear at my baptism.