A few weeks back I had the opportunity of shooting the family of my friend Del Rae. It was extremely cold outside, and one of the boys wasn't feeling well; so, I questioned some of the pictures, and I had her come to my house again this past Saturday to try and capture some additional inside shots of the boys. What was I thinking?!! There is just something about little kids' pictures outside that are so much more real and representative of their personality then when you take them inside and put them in front of a backdrop...and that's one thing that Del Rae REALLY wanted. "I want these to show how my kids really are, Kelly...not some formal posed picture." So, in the end, the outside portraits ended up being my favorites! These were taken near a barn on their farm.
Here are a few of my top favorite pics!
ps - check back tonight or tomorrow morning for another post of my cousin Nicholas, his wife Amy (a blogstalker!!) and their family!!!...aka the most well-behaved kids when it comes to posing for pictures!

The whole family. It took a while for Mr. C (the older of the two boys) to warm up to the camera, but he soon got the hang of it!

Yep, he got the 'hang' of it soon enough....hehehe!...so sorry for the terrible pun!

Oh, is there anything more fun for a farm boy then an old barn with fences to climb!!

Mr. C hamming for the camera.

Ahhh...the picture that says it all...these are my favorites...when people don't know I'm clicking away. I always like to think that 50years from now it's captured moments like this one that will be brought out of a storage tub and put back into a frame. I might be wrong, but it's my blog, and I'm sticking with this little fantasy of mine!

Younger brother Mr. B felt a little safer behind the fence when it came to the crazy woman with the camera.

But a quick game of peek-a-boo through the slats will warm up any toddler!

One of my special favorites of the day...
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