In yesterday's post, Kim accused me of cheating because I didn't include new pictures of Colby. It's hard being an aunt and live 12 hours away! So, to make up for my lack of new pictures over the last several days, here's a whole slew of new ones for you, Kim!
Colby is very alert now. She really enjoys looking at lights and out the window when I'm changing her diaper. After she eats, I generally put her on a blanket on the floor so that she can spend 15 minutes or so staring at the ceiling fan. It's her version of post-dinner entertainment.
Colby had her first real bath last week. I'm only posting the calm pictures. Most of the pictures show her in an extremely irritated state. While she still doesn't enjoy the bath, she is more calm as I've learned to constantly pour water on her stomach to keep her warm.
Very similar picture, but with her eyes open...probably wondering when the torture is going to end.
Picture of Colby right after eating...sometimes she looks a little 'milk-drunk'.

Last week brough a lot of new visitors. Norann is the wife of one of Nick's best friends. She is going to watch Colby once I return to work in March.

Great Grandma Budke, Great Aunt Dana and Grandma Cooper came to visit last Friday. Grandma Budke thought Nick and I had "did good" with Colby.

Aunt Dana with Colby.

Imitating Colby's face.

Aunt Dana and Grandma Cooper trying to get pictures of Colby with her eyes open.

That same day, our neighbors came to visit Colby! They have four daughters between the ages of 18 and 10! Yeah for babysitters living close by! This is the youngest of the four girls holding Colby.

On Saturday, my good friend Lisa came to visit and catch up. She is due with their first baby in another six weeks. Colby slept on Lisa's lap the entire two hours she was here!

On Sunday, Colby stayed with Nick and Grandpa McCormick while I went myself. It was nice. That night, our friends Link (short for Lincoln) and Kathy came to visit with their kids. Link tried talking Kathy into having one more while holding Colby.

Their son loved holding Colby.

Last, my favorite picture. This morning I tried putting her in the bouncy seat. We haven't tried it in a couple of weeks, as she was not a fan at all of the vibrations in the past. But, this morning, this is the goofy smile I got once I turned the bouncy seat on!!! How about that dimple?!!
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