First time in the bouncy seat. While she didn't cry, I don't think it was a relaxing experience for her. Today we tried the swing...she seemed to like it better then the bouncy seat for right now!

Colby had her first outing this past Friday. She went and stayed with Grammy McCormick for two hours while I ran errands. We dressed up for the occasion with a new outfit from Aunt Kori! She was pretty cynical about leaving the house, as you can see from the frowns on her face.

My friend Allison stopped by Saturday night with her little girl. Miss G did a great job of holding Colby, but again, Colby was cynical!

Last but not least, I thought i would include Colby in a more peaceful pose. She is the cuddliest baby and is happiest curled up on your chest. She pulls her legs up as far as she can get them, and this has earned her the nickname "Frog." Grandma and Grandpa Cooper came to visit Saturday afternoon, and for the first time ever, Grandma Cooper had her coat and gloves on before Grandpa Cooper....he was in this pose with Colby and wasn't ready to leave!
Thanks for checking in!
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