OK, I am working REALLY hard here to post every day and there's only three comments posted? What??? This is probably going to be the last time I post every day if I'm going to only get a few people leaving comments! For you blogstalkers out there, I am a comments stalker!!! I check the site all the time to see if people left comments; so, PLEASE leave me a comment! It's the fuel that keeps this blogger going!
Now, on to the post! As I posted a couple of weeks ago, my cousin Kyle and his wife Christine had twins this month! Yeah! Here are a few pictures from our visit to the hospital to see the new cuties!
Baby Sophia was bright-eyed all evening!

Kori holding Baby Henry.

Here's my Uncle Randy keeping Colby occupied.

Kyle spent a lot of time at our house growing up. My sister Karen kept telling him she was going to be an aunt to his babies instead of a second cousin, once removed...or whatever the correct term would be. Kyle kept giving her flack over that. Really though, he was the brother we never had growing up, and we're so happy for him.

Sophia's thinking about drifting off to sleep.

Kyle's brother Mark came home from college to see his new niece and nephew.

I drove Mark's twin brother Matt home from college to see the babies. I tried to get him to change Colby's diaper to practice, but he wouldn't go for it.

The old twins holding the new twins. :)

Here's a little preview of tomorrow's pictures. I go tthe chance to take the twins' pictures the week after they were born. This is little Sophia gazing at her mom. Her look translates to "Mom, make the crazy woman with the camera stop! I just want to eat and go to sleep. And, Henry keeps touching me. Make him stop touching me, Mom!" Hehehe!
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