Miss Colby is doing well! So well, in fact, that Aunt Kori was right: she's growing out of her newborn sleepers in the length. For the last time, she wore the sleeper we brought her home from the hospital in. It's the cute little spotted sleeper in the pictures below. It was also Nick's favorite sleeper for Colby because it zipped instead of snapped shut (so much easier for diaper-changing!). Today I noticed another of her sleepers is getting too short for her to fully stretch out. This makes me sad, but I also knew that she's over 8 lbs now and most of the newborn outifts are only 'up to 8 lbs.' I have a ton of new pictures to post, but I don't have a ton of time right now; so, I thought I would just include these two pictures of Colby in her fun hat that Aunt Autumn got her! She was heading to Grammy McCormick's while Nick and I had an appointment last Friday. Doesn't it remind you of the red/white winter hats that FS used to give customers for free?!! I love it!!

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