Thursday, April 29, 2010

Colby and the Circus!

The circus came to Windsor! So, Carolyn and I took Colby and Henry and had a great time. Here are a few pix from our big outing!

We started the evening off with a pony ride. Colby kept saying, "Whoa"....

There were camels....

...and a balancing Elvis....

...and pretty girls up in the air....

...and Henry to entertain us!

We even ran into "Care" and "Woss" Colby calls them.

Overall, Colby was enthralled with the whole thing. She sat on my lap and watched all the action. Or, perhaps she was plotting her escape..."Yes, finally I have figured out how to ditch this crazy mother of mine!!!"

I took an old camera with me to the circus and discovered it had an old memory card still in in from this last fall. So, kind of like finding money in a coat you haven't worn in six months, I found a few gems of Colby from this fall and winter...including her fall visit to the field with Poppa McCormick! I can't believe how much her hair has grown since harvest!!!


Anonymous said...

She's changed so much!!!! That is amazing isn't it. It's always so crazy seeing how much they've changed when you look back at old pictures!
She's changed since last month even! I can't wait to see her today!
And, I love that she said, "Whoa." So cute!!!

Thanks for posting!

Sister Sara said...

Looks like a good time - and I am also amazed at the hair - and can I say that Katie and I are jealous of it and of the curls - SO CUTE!

Brittany said...

She looks so different compared to the fall pictures! So much more grown up - it's amazing how fast that happens! Such a big girl sitting with her buddy at the circus :) What a fun day!

Anonymous said...

Why is it when I write on your blog it won't publish? Colby changes so quickly. I loved the pic with Mommy and Colby on the merry-go-round. What an Elvis! I think the circus is a great place to take kids. Do you remember when the circus came to Manito and the tent was behind the primary school? Trent wasn't born yet and Sean Stuewe was about 8 mos old. Tomorrow is May and before you know it harvest will be here again.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Kelly, it wasn't a merry-go-round, it was a REAL pony ride!

The James Gang said...

She has grown so much. I can see her being entertained by all the comotion of the circus. Can't wait to see her again!

Love you all - you too, Nick!

Anonymous said...

Your pictures are WAY better at the circus! Copy some for me at the end of the year. Thanks! Autumn