Thursday, October 29, 2009


I have often joked that there are two men on this earth that I would like to stone:

1) The man who invented the hand air dryers in public bathrooms (no woman would have invented this...and plus, why are the patents always 'pending'?....haven't they been around for decades...are people actually arguing over who invented these???)

2) The man who thought of ESPN Classics....where every game is a 'good game'.

I have decided this week to add a third man to my little stoning party.

#3) The man who thought of releasing millions of Asian beatles to eliminate the supposed aphid problem in soybeans.

I am so tired of killing these bugs, vacuuming them up, them hitting my face as I walk outside, grabbing corpses found in Colby's hands.

Yes, these are three men I have issues with.



Anonymous said...

Amen!!! Not to mention the way they make your hands smell when you touch them, or the sweeper smell when you suck them up. I don't even think they would convict you of anything for the stoning.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree. Is it just me or does there seem to be a much greater number of the horrible little critters this year then in the past?? Every time I go outside for a few minutes, I have to brush about 30 of them off my clothes before I can go back in the house.
Plus, they bite!! I much prefer the cute little red ladybugs, to these big smelly ones.

Anonymous said...

Sorry,I forgot to put my name at the end of my post. ERIN :)

Sister Sara said...

Agreed! Except for I am not familar with the ESPN Classics problem - but do have a problem with the guy that thought it would be a good idea to video tape his "Big Hunt" with all the whispering - then have a entire network channel dedicated to it - grates on my nerves to NO END!

Brigit said...

Thank you, Kelly! I totally agree. B is obsessed with "flicking" them with his little fingers to see how far they will go. Nasty.

Anonymous said...

I also agree, the other day I went over to get Amelia from the sitters and was attacked by them! She literally pulled me inside so that they would not enter her house! It was like we had a whole, OPERATION DO NOT LET ASIAN BEETLES INSIDE PLAN, when we left!
Too funny!
Love - Kori

Anonymous said...

I agree as well, however, you all are like a month and a half behind us! We had the problem a couple of months ago! Apparently, I live in the tundra where it freezes earlier and the bugs "die off" sooner. Although, I still have a few very determined flies to ruin supper time every evening!

Funny post!

Grandma Cooper said...

I have another "stoning" nominee (maybe two)! The man (or men) who install the toilet paper holders in the restroom stalls so low that the paper hits the floor AND the man (or men) who install the restroom stalls so small that your legs rub against the toilet as you try to open the door to get out!!!! Yuck!! (Maybe I've been in too many rest areas in the past couple weeks during our travels to other states!)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Ruth for the toilet humor, but next time try to keep it clean!