I finally have a minute to tell you about some of the things that have been going on the last few days. I was resting peacefully when all of a sudden I got shoved out into the cold....not a pleasant experience. Here is what I have learned since then.
1) The minimum size for a house with children should be no less than 3000 sqft. We come with a lot of accessories and family visting us overnight. I relieze that we are small, but all of these other items need space.
2) The daytime is the best time for sleep, night is for midnight snacks and tv. (You can't have a midnight snack in the day.)
3) Don't look at me like i don't speak your language, b/c you don't speak mine either. And yours is hard to learn b/c everone thinks that "babytalk" is cute. We don't.
4) Don't complain about the dirty diapers, you have milk fifteen times a day and see if you can make it with out an accident.
5) Yes I cry when you put alcohol on my cord, hey you cut it, you deal with it.
6) Apparently no one likes me b/c for the first couple of days you kept handing me off to someone different every ten minutes.
7) I'll make a deal with you, you change my diaper now and i'll change yours in thirty years.
8) You look tired, get a nap, no one likes a sleepy babysitter.
9) Yes i do look different every day, let me shove you through a key hole and see if it takes you a little bit to get you figure back.
10) I really don't care how cute you think this outfit is, it hurts when you shove me arms and legs through there. Just put it on and leave it on already. You don't change clothes everytime you spill, I have seen you wardrobe.
11) Whats this i hear about a coin toss? You had nine months to pick a name and you start my life off like Monday Night Football!
Thanks for checking in there will be more later.
Colby Kathleen McCormick