Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Nerd-Fest 2010

So, I've had a couple of lecturing conversations with relatives over the last 24 hours from family members who are demanding updated pix of Colby. I'm sorry! But, it's like I told my sister Kim, the last two weeks have been a bit of 'nerd-fest' for me! First, I had, had, had to read Sarah Palin's autobiography (excellent, btw, for my friends who are 'to the right of the right'). Then, my mom bought me two follow-up novels for Christmas to Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice...so, my nose was buried in those until I finished them. However, that made me only want to watch the movie(s); so, spent two nights watching the Keira Knightley version (so that no one's wondering - I watched it twice...it didn't take me two nights to watch it once). Then, I called blockbuster to see if they had the A&E/Colin Firth/6-hour version to rent. They didn't have it to rent....BUT, they had it on sale for $10! So, I hightailed it to Effingham Monday night to buy it and spent Tuesday night and Wednesday night watching the 6-hour version of the movie (so that no one's wondering - I watched it once spread over two nights).

I don't think I have my nerd-fest done yet (I have the movie Elizabeth: The Golden Age DVR'd); however, I will take 15 minutes over my lunch hour today to throw some pix of Colby out on the blog to let everyone know that she's alive, doing well, and that I promise I only resume my nerd-fest after she's gone to bed at night!!!

To those who have requested videos of Colby walking...I'll post them soon!



One of my favorite toys: the Tylenol bottle. Geesh...what does that say about my child?

Colby got two new booster seats for Christmas...she's trying out one of them here. Btw, Colby's first haircut is scheduled for next week.

Reading her very first Pottery Barn catalog...

Oh, oh...there's a little bit left from supper on the seat of my high chair...I better get it before mom gets over here with that washcloth to wipe it up. Once again, geesh, what does that say about my child?

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